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Every Tribe, Tongue and Nation

There are 7,406 unreached people groups in the world. That's a staggering 3.28 billion people who are yet to hear the name of Jesus. We want to glorify God by making Him known to all people.
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The Great Imbalance

Despite Christ's call to 'Go and make disciples of all nations,' less than 2% of missional resources and approximately 3% of cross-cultural workers go to serve amoung unreached people groups. This is what's referred to as The Great Imbalance.
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News and Stories

Brave Church visit Mbeya in Tanzania
A truly wonderful week with healings, salvations, joy and encouragement. All involved had great fun, and many came to know Jesus.
Blessed to be a Blessing
Paul gives his feedback on a recent trip to the US. As he was preparing for this trip, he felt God speaking to him out of Psalm 67. 'God’s blessing is on us SO THAT we take the message of the gospel to all nations.'
Building connections in Tanzania
Fabian has a vision to plant a reproducing church and a training centre in each of Tanzania’s 27 provinces. Colin joined Fabian on a trip to two of the provinces, Dodoma and Tanga.

Make a donation

With 42% of the world's population currently unreached with the Gospel, our call is to go where they have not heard (Rom. 10:14-15, 15:20). Please help support our work by making a donation.

Any amount you give will be gratefully received and will help us reach more people with the good news of Jesus.
Total people groups
Unreached people groups
World population
7.83 bn
People unreached
3.28 bn
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